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Minggu, 06 November 2011

Stroke order of Third Deadly Diseases

Given the number of stroke patients from year to year has increased quite sharply, even a brain attack which is now no longer attack the elderly, but also attacks the productive age, so they are no longer able to perform activities as well as disability they experience. It also requires them to conduct periodic medical rehabilitation and requires no small cost.
Given the number of stroke patients from year to year has increased quite sharply, even a brain attack which is now no longer attack the elderly, but also attacks the productive age, so they are no longer able to perform activities as well as disability they experience. It also requires them to conduct periodic medical rehabilitation and requires no small cost.
According to Dr. Sutarto SpS, causing high rates of stroke events in Indonesia is mainly due to the style and lifestyle of the people who are not healthy, like a lazy move, fatty foods and high cholesterol, so many of them suffer from diseases that trigger the onset of a stroke.Currently more stroke attacks triggered by the presence of hypertension known as killer silen, melittus diabetes, obesity and various health problems associated with degenerative diseases.Stroke is a condition in which there is an interruption of blood flow to the brain, either a blockage or bleeding. Not only that stroke is also a serious and scary situation, because those who have suffered a stroke either in the process of healing and rehabilitation required a huge adjustment not only from the patients themselves but also from their partners.Treatment of stroke patients is very complex. Required a multidisciplinary approach that requires an accurate diagnosis. Early treatment is adequate, safe and cost effective to prevent damage to the brain, preventing strokes again and complications, and maximize functional recovery and can live in a family, work and social environments in the community and education and public health issues need attention too.Although growing globally, aging, lazy move, smoking, fast food, all these things can spur the development of an epidemic of stroke, heart disease, and Vascular cognitive impairment. On a global scale, stroke is now in second place, under ischemic heart disease as the cause of death and is the main factor causing serious disability.Brain attack (stroke) is a disease of blood vessels in the brain circulation, damaged blood vessels in the brain can be caused by blockage or rupture of blood vessels. Today, along with its speed of development in Indonesia, has changed the patterns of community structure, from an agrarian society to industrial society becomes.Such changes have an impact on the lifestyle shift of rural to urban lifestyles, including the natural diet that had become fond of eating fast food. Another effect of changes in lifestyle that is located to the shift of disease from infectious diseases to degenerative diseases, namely cardiovascular disease and stroke.The incidence of stroke world's estimated 200 per 100,000 population, within a year. When viewed in terms of age there is a change where the stroke is not just attack the elderly but also attacked a young age that are still productive. Given a stroke caused permanent disability, it is essential for young people to find out information about stroke, so that they can implement healthy lifestyle patterns in order to avoid a stroke.In Indonesia, an estimated 500,000 people each year affected by a stroke, and about 25% or 125,000 people died and the rest had mild or severe disability. Currently stroke ranks third as a deadly disease after heart disease and cancer, while in Indonesia ranks first stroke as the cause of death in hospitals. RIS

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